




When is Black Friday? 黑五是哪一天?

The day following Thanksgiving: 感恩节的后一天
*Thanksgiving is the fourth Thursday of November: 感恩节是11月第四个星期四

Black Friday history: 历史悠久

The concept has been around for many decades now: 黑五的概念已经存在很久了
It started in the 1930's. FDR wanted to get people shopping to boost the economy: 30年代,美国总统富兰克林罗斯福希望通过节日购物来刺激经济

Where did the name come from? 

Many different versions of the stories: 有很多版本
1) It refers to stores numbers turning from red to black: 商家的收支从红色变成黑色
In the red: 亏损
Turn black: 扭亏为盈 
Break even: 收支平衡、打平
Become profitable: 盈利

2) Refers to heavy traffic and people going to town to shop: 形容黑压压的车流和人潮,涌入市区购物

A: I can’t believe you dragged me out here at 4 am to wait for Best Buy to open. I’m still in a food coma from last night.

B: Are you kidding? Did you see the door buster deals this year? We would’ve been stupid to not come.

A: I don’t understand why you want all this stuff, though. Couldn’t we have just slept in today and bought these things at home from the comfort of our pajamas on Cyber Monday?

B: Yeah, but the deals just aren’t as good. I really want a new DSLR, and the first 15 people in can get one for only $299.99.

A: That’s the only reason we’re out here waiting in the bitter cold right now?

B: No, they have some great deals on DVDs and other gadgets, too. We can stock up on small gifts so that we don’t have to do anymore Christmas shopping next month. This is such an exciting way to get into the holiday spirit!

A: But honey, I’m Jewish – you know that shopping like this isn’t really my version of “holiday spirit”.

B: You’re right, Hanukkah isn’t really about consumerism in the same way that Christmas is these days. I’ll make sure then to not get you that new4k TV that is only $499.99 for the first five people in the door.

A: What?! $499.99?! When are these doors going to open?!

All couples argue the same way, no matter where they're from: 世界上所有的夫妻斗嘴都是一样的



#1. Drag someone out:硬拉去购物

The husband isn't very eager about shopping on Black Friday: 对话里的老公对黑五好像没什么热情
"I can’t believe you dragged me out here at 4 am to wait for Best Buy to open."
Drag someone to somewhere/ to do something: 硬拉某人出来,对方不情愿

#2. Food coma: 吃撑了

If you eat way too much and can't even move, you're in a food coma: 吃得太撑了,完全不能动,你就进入“食物昏迷”状态了
Many Americans are in food comas after the Thanksgiving feast: 很多美国人感恩节大餐后都有food coma
Many Chinese too after the Chinese New Year feast: 中国人春节团圆饭后也是

#3. Door buster deals:秒杀抢货

Get door buster deals: 商店一开门,就冲进去抢打折货
To bust doors: 挤破门
You need to go super early to wait for the stores to open in order to get the best deals: 要天不亮就去排队、等商店开门,才能抢到最大的折扣
Limited supplies: 限量供应

Sold out? Out of luck? 没抢到货?
No sweat! 没关系! 

#4. Cyber Monday:网购周一

Don't worry if you missed out on Black Friday deals, there's Cyber Monday: 错过黑五折扣也没关系,还有网购周一
Discounts will continue online: 电商继续打折
There'll also be the Christmas sale, New Year sale, etc. You'll have plenty of opportunities to spend money: 之后还有圣诞打折、元旦打折,要花钱,机会很多

#5. $99.99: 美国价格都是9

$299.99: two ninety nine, ninety nine
$4999: forty nine, ninety nine
You'll hear a little pause after the digit: 小数点后面会有一个小停顿

#6. Gadgets: 电子产品

Gadgets are always popular on Black Friday: 电子产品黑五特别受欢迎
DSLR (digital single lens reflex): 单反相机
Lens: 镜头

#7. Stock up on things: 囤货

Stock up on things: 囤货
Stock up on toilet paper: 囤点厕纸
Stock up on baby formula: 囤奶粉
You're very practical: 你好会过日子

#8. Happy Hanukkah! 美国犹太人不过圣诞节

Prominent Jewish community in the US: 美国的犹太人地位很高
They don't celebrate Christmas: 他们不过圣诞节
They celebrate Hanukkah:  他们庆祝光明节(也在12月 )
If you know someone is Jewish, you can say "Happy Hanukkah" to them: 所以如果你知道对方是犹太人,12月可以说光明节快乐

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